The Grade School Food Service Staff is always ready with something delicious to eat. Homemade rolls are a favorite at the grade school! Make sure you tell all of our USD 378 Food Service Staff - Thank you!
PTO Fall Fundraiser
RCGS PTO, along with Fundraising University, wish to recognize the school’s top sellers: back row, left to right: Brody Willimon, Ryan McGuyer, Jarrett Lippert, Lilly Eyestone, Ryker Austin, Carter Marden. Front row: Joshua Mansker, Trinity Meader.
PTO would like to commend all students for their efforts and contributions to our fall fundraiser which totaled $4500!
Carter Marden, Riley County Grade School Kindergartener, was our school’s top seller! Congratulations and thank you Carter!
Picture Retake day at RCGS is this Friday! See attached picture for information on ordering retakes.
On Friday, retired Riley County History teacher, Kevin Larson spoke to 4th Graders about immigrant groups that settled in Riley County.
Adam and Lydia Davies shared a horse with preschoolers since they were studying the letter "H".
Today was our Library Aide, Mrs. Messerla's, last day. All of us at Riley County Grade School would like to thank her for her years of dedication and service to our school. Thank you Mrs. Messerla and best wishes!!
Riley County Grade School was visited by our local volunteer firefighters this week. A big "Thank You" to them for sharing with us!
Thank you to Mrs. Grant and the Grade school for allowing our High School Choir to perform at their Friday Celebration today! It was a great performance by Mrs. Seidler and the amazingly talented choir students! Go Falcons!
The Riley County Wrestling Club is having an informational meeting on Monday, October 21st at 6:30pm at the Riley High School Wrestling Room for students in grades K through 8th. Students and parents are welcome to stop by and learn about the Wrestling Club and meet our new Head Wrestling Coach, Jared Weatherhead.
Please turn in traditional box tops by October 25th!
First graders in 1B, listen to firefighter Andy Rombeck review fire safety rules and procedures.
Seniors and their parents were recognized tonight at Volleyball home match vs Wabaunsee. Congratulations seniors and thank you parents for all of your support and sacrifices.
School buses collectively travel over four billion miles each year, providing the safest transportation to and from school for more than 25 million American children every day. National School Bus Safety Week is October 21-25!
University of Kansas Honors Scholar program tonight at Manhattan High. Honors scholars from Riley County pictured with Mr Oliver are Rachel Phillips, Sarah Thomson, and Bri Holle. Not pictured- Garrett Harmison
We recognized our Cross Country seniors Saturday at our home meet at the Leonardville Golf Course. Congratulations to Peyton Smith, Hutton Collins and Madyson Haidusek on all of the hard work and many, many miles that they have put in during their careers in Riley County Cross Country!
RCHS Falcons defeated the Council Grove Braves friday night 48-0. With the victory our football team moves to 4-2 on the season and 3-0 in district play. Next Friday we travel to Southeast of Saline for a district matchup
High School staff looking over student assessment data during inservice today.
Vaping information provided by the US Food & Drug Administration:
According to the National Youth Tobacco Survey, current e-cigarette use among high school students increased an alarming 78%, from 11.7% to 20.8%, between 2017 and 2018. Students need to know “The Real Cost”!
If you are interested in Riley County FFA Alumni Membership, please see the attachment. If you have an interest in helping rally the community agricultural education and FFA activities, this is for you. Anyone can join!
A reminder that registration forms are due on Thursday, October 10th, if your child is interested in the RCHS Mini Cheer Camp!