With the change of weather Travis Schardein is getting ready for Snow Season!
about 5 years ago, Bridget Colp
Snow Season
The RCGS Veteran's Day Celebration will be Friday, November 8th at 2:00 PM. See attached flyer for more information.
about 5 years ago, Jared Larson
Veteran's Day
It's Red Ribbon Week at RCGS! Mrs. Easterberg's class participated in "Wear Red" day on Tuesday.
about 5 years ago, Jared Larson
Wear Red Day
On Monday, National Honor Society Students from RCHS helped First Graders carve pumpkins.
about 5 years ago, Jared Larson
Pumpkins 1
Pumpkins 2
Pumpkins 3
Pumpkins 4
REMINDER: The Middle School Band/Choir Concert is tonight at 7:00 at the GRADE SCHOOL.
about 5 years ago, Jared Larson
Matt Miller of KSNT spoke to Third Graders about Meteorology on Monday.
about 5 years ago, Jared Larson
Matt Miller
Our Ag Communications and Leadership Class had a meeting today with Hilary Worcester from Mid-Kansas COOP to learn about careers in agriculture in Kansas. What a great opportunity for our students. Thank you to Mr. Downing for organizing this!
about 5 years ago, Ian Peters
Ag Careers Duscussion
See attached flyer for information on a free youth wrestling clinic.
about 5 years ago, Jared Larson
wrestling clinic
REMINDER: The Middle School Band/Choir Concert is tonight at 7:00 at the GRADE SCHOOL.
about 5 years ago, Jared Larson
Riley County Cross Country competed at regionals at the Leonardville golf course. Thank you so much to everyone who helped make the event run smoothly! Congratulations to all the runners on a successful season! A big congratulations to Anthony Cervantes, who placed 10th and qualified for state as an individual!! Anthony will run at Rimrock Farms near Lawrence next Saturday in the state meet!
about 5 years ago, Harold Oliver
Long time “Voice of the Falcons” Greg Wells was honored at our football game vs St. Marys. Thank you Greg for your 20+ years of service to our community!!!
about 5 years ago, Harold Oliver
Please consider donating to our Falcon Food Drive!
about 5 years ago, Jared Larson
food drive
Red Ribbon Week is next week! See the attached schedule for our dress up days. On Halloween – Each grade level may do their own activities. Look for information from grade level teachers. All students may dress up for the Red Ribbon week activities as well.
about 5 years ago, Jared Larson
Red Ribbon Week
Congratulations to our choir students for another great performance at their Heroes and Villains concert last night.
about 5 years ago, Harold Oliver
SADD presenting at the Grade School’s Friday Celebration in preparation for next week’s Red Ribbon Festivities.
about 5 years ago, Harold Oliver
Traditional Box Tops are due tomorrow! Please continue using the app, as well!
about 5 years ago, Jared Larson
box tops
And with today's performance at Mission Valley, the Marching Falcons sweep their marching season with all 1s!
about 5 years ago, Harold Oliver
Come out and support our students as they perform in the musical November 14th and 16th!
about 5 years ago, Harold Oliver
On Thursday, October 17th RCMS students competed in the Mid-East League Cross Country Meet at Silver Lake. 8th Grader Owen Miesner(left) finished in first place as the Mid-East League Champion with a time of 11:07. 8th Grader Cody Sharp (right) finished in second place with a time of 11:45.
about 5 years ago, Jared Larson
RCMS Cross Country
Health & education advocates say they are close to unveiling state legislation that would increase the minimum age in Kansas to purchase tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, from 18 to 21.Similar laws (called Tobacco 21) have been passed in 18 states & Washington D.C.
about 5 years ago, Ian Peters