Good Luck to our Scholars Bowl team as they compete at Mid East League event today at Rock Creek. Go Falcons!
RCGS is celebrating Super Bowl Sunday on Friday!
Robert Trigueros discussed armor with 4th graders today in conjunction with reading the book "A Castle in the Attic".
Congratulations to Brandon Moots who auditioned for the 1-4A All State Band and made 3rd chair. He will attend a clinic on February 27-28 with a concert on Saturday the 29th in Wichita.
Mr. Stroda's HS Building Maintenance class built and put up some heavy duty shelving for the maintenance room.
Classroom winners in Grades 5-8 participated in the RCGS Spelling Bee today. 8th Grader Noah Moots is the Champion, 7th Grader Eli Harmison is Reserve Champion and 5th Grader Cooper Merriam is First Runner-up.
At the Board of Education Special Meeting on January 13th, President Samantha Brown swore in new board member Jeff Hancock, Alison Hayward, and re-elected member Shane Allen.
Board of Education President Samantha Brown swore in newly appointed board member Chris White.
Due to more interest in the BOE open position the Special BOE meeting on January 13th in the RCHS library will begin at 6:00 p.m. with the regular meeting starting at 7:00 p.m. as usual.
The Board of Education will be meeting on Monday, January 13th in the RCHS library. A special meeting at 6:15 p.m. and the regular meeting at 7:00 p.m.
Replacing Landscape Timbers at the High School
Bond Project update: Design Phase of Project
See News for details!
This January is School Board Recognition Month, and we are saying thank you to the men and women who volunteer their time to lead our public schools.
Bond Project update: Large savings in interest for taxpayers. See News for details!
The Transportation Department wishes Merry Christmas to all!
4th grade came to 1C to perform "The Grinch," reader's theater style on Thursday.
The Gingerbread house competition is complete! Overall, there were a bunch of great seminar creations. This years winner is Mrs. Steiners junior seminar! Final placing:
1) Mrs. Steiner
2) Mrs. Bisnette
3) Ms. Meadows
The Food Staff goes out of their way to make students feel special. These goodies are going to the RC child care students. Merry Christmas!
Riley County Middle School students participated in an Ugly Sweater Contest today. The winners were: Drew Shirley - Tackiest, Aubrey Reasoner - Funniest, and Avery Higgins and Gracie Scofield - Most Festive.
Congratulations to Decembers Student of the Month, Ames Burton! Ames, a Junior, has earned a 3.5 cumulative GPA during her high school career. She is very involved in clubs and activities at RCHS: Art Club, Basketball, Culture Club, FCA, FCCLA, Pep Club, SADD, Science Club, Track, and Volleyball.