Attention Grade School Band Parents! The Beginning Band Instrument Night scheduled for August 25 has been CANCELLED. Mrs. Lloyd will be sending info to parents via email and a Castify recording later this week. Thanks!
The BOE held a special meeting Tuesday evening outside the grade school. A ground breaking photo shoot was taken by Karen Schroeder. The board will host an open house in the future.
Click on the link to watch the live-stream of the ground breaking for the south side of the Riley County Grade School tonight at 6 pm.
At the August Board of Education meeting Jen Hancock presented Eric Farwell with the 2020 Kansas Society of Professional Engineers Tri Valley Chapter Outstanding Teacher Award. Congratulations, Eric!
A different kind of year but this bus is ready to bring kids back to school!
Many parents have been asking, RCGS Back to School Night will be Virtual this year! Details are being finalized. We will share them soon!
There is a lot of dirt work being done at the grade school! Trenches for drainage system on the north of the school and digging the basement on the south side.
Fill the bus!
The work at the grade school continues even with the rain. Electrical Box on the south side , soon dirt work on the basement will begin and the preparation for the north gym/classroom footings.
Work is continuing at the High School with new windows on the east and south of the school. Also new windows duct work in the south gym.
Online enrollment is now open. Please check your email for detailed information on how to enroll your students.
Watch graduation on Facebook live! We will have limited seating so we encourage you to watch from home as we celebrate our seniors.
Due to construction the Grade School Office and District Office will be without power Monday – Wednesday, July 20th – July 22nd. The staff has been relocated to the High School. Emails and phone calls will be answered as normal. Thank you!
Dirt moving started at RCGS today. What a change!
Scaffolding for Window replacement and Duct work at the High School.
The Board of Education will be holding a special meeting June 17th, Wednesday in the RCHS library at 7:30 a.m.
The retaining wall is coming down!
Construction fencing is in place on the South side of the Grade School!
Fire Safety Upgrade at the High School . A new fire hydrant and pad for the water tank.
The north modular is in the process of getting moved out.