9-12 Vocal Music Teacher
USD 378 is seeking a 9-12 Vocal Music Teacher at Riley County High School for the 2020-21 school year and beyond. The successful candidate will:
- Hold (or be eligible to attain) a Kansas education certification with endorsement in music education.
- Demonstrate the passion and skills necessary to create an engaging learning and developmental experience for young learners
Interested individuals are encouraged to apply online at usd378.org and submit a cover letter with resume along with any relevant documents to bcolp@usd378.org.
USD 378 is a 3A school district located in north central Kansas that serves approximately 655 students in K-12. Riley is only 18 minutes away from Manhattan. The district has an extremely supportive Board of Education and community and the best students and teachers in the region.
Riley County Schools USD 378
Job Start Date: August - 2020